Startup Equity Survey: Initial Results
With 19 initial responses to my startup equity knowledge survey, I've posted below the initial results, above. Several key takeaways:
-Over 40% of startup employees don't know what % of equity they have. Imagine if 40% of stock market investors didn't know how many shares outstanding there were in the publicly-traded companies they were investing in...
-73.7% don't know what preference structure their startup has. That's like not knowing what your insurance deductible is.
-58% of startup employees don't know how their % equity compares to others in similar roles. Given that the same group expects to make $100K-$1M on equity while working at their startup, you'd think know the comps would be important in negotiating, right?
-Over half don't know what a trigger is, and only one quarter have one. People - you may as well get down on your hands & knees and pray before signing your offer letter, 'cause that's how much control you'll have over the outcome if you don't understand triggers.
-68% of startup employees have had one or more 'exits'