Thursday, February 02, 2006

Buy Danish

Denmark is taking heat from the worldwide Muslim community right now, due to a charicature of Mohammed that appeared in one of their newspapers. Some Muslim countries have gone so far as to recall their ambassadors from Denmark in protest, and many Muslim countries are boycotting Danish products.

We in the West need to clearly voice our support for freedom of speech and expression, and at the same time unanimously make clear to the Muslim world that, while we respect everyone's right to practice their own religion, we consider far, far, far more important the freedoms that our societies have fought so dearly to attain.

That said, I'm going to do two things today:

1)Make 2-3 purchases of Danish products online
2)Ask everyone who reads this to do the same

My personal opinion is that pacifism and appeasement have no place in dealing with the global intifada whose goal is the establishment of sharia worldwide.

I know, I know, this has nothing to do with search marketing - but it will once I start an SEM campaign targeted to Muslim states and whose goal is to educate Muslims as to their general lack of tolerance.

Don't get me wrong - the Western world and Christianity were equally restrictive and close-minded just a couple hundred years ago, but fortunately for us we've made the giant leap of understanding the compounding benefits of individual liberty and freedom of speech.


Blogger Kate said...

Don't get me wrong - the Western world and Christianity were equally restrictive and close-minded just a couple hundred years ago, but fortunately for us we've made the giant leap of understanding the compounding benefits of individual liberty and freedom of speech.
How is this any different? Every major world religion has its radicals. I doubt every Muslim in the world is against the Danish.

5:57 AM

Blogger searchquant said...


There is little difference between the caricatures of the Muslim's prophet and what NBC is doing with the show you mention. The gargantuan difference between the Muslim reaction to caricatures of their prophet and the American reaction to the NBC show, however, are what bears notice.

When the media goes to far in bashing a religion here in the West, we stop watching the channel, write letters to the editor, and that's about it. In the Muslim world reaction to similar expressions of freedom of speech include burning flags, threatening to kill publishers, recalling of ambassadors, face-covered, gun-toting radicals pointing AK-47's at Western embassies, and quite possibly (likely in this case, in fact) Western deaths at the hands of Muslims.

If that doesn't show the profound difference between the two cultures' respect for personal freedoms, then I don't know what does.

This conflict requires that we stop being moral relativists and make a qualitative judgement on what values we stand for and which society best reflects those values.

8:49 AM


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